Experienced creative director, designer and front-end web developer with a passion for creativity, simplicity and solving needs.
For me, design is largely about solving needs. From the information provided, organize and simplify to find answers. What information should be disregarded and which shall be kept - with trends and society attitudes in mind to achieve the best results from given conditions.
With that said, I also like to experiment and see opportunities regardless of media. With over 10 plus years of experience, I've worked with projects in all medias for a wide variety of clients. From start-ups to large well-known companies and organisations, B2B and B2C, both as consultant and agency employee. Although I don't see design differently depending on media, my knowledge as a front-end web developer gives me a unique and beneficial advantage when it comes to digital experiences and vice versa.

Worked with
Academic Work, Appertiff, Art Signature Dictionary, Bird & Bird, Bogesunds Väveri, Broberg & Ridderstråle, Cint, Claesson Koivisto Rune, Creative Channels, Dize Analytics, ERA, Fitness Magasine, Fjord, Friggs, Grosshandlargården, Hans Prunner, Helenas, Helsingborg Marathon, Hoffmaestro, Imanagement, J Lindeberg, John Robert Nilsson Arkitektkontor, Kanal 5, Katshing, Löplabbet, Metropol Palais, Mia Cullin, Michelin, Minds Unlimited, Monica Förster, Naturdiet, Need2Code, Nepa, Norba, Note Design Studio, Offecct, Officeline, Outside Magasine, Procter & Gamble, R/GA, Sandvik, Scandtest, Skanska, Skype, Smaller Objects, Solvalla, Stockmos, Stocktown, Stora Enso, SVT, Swedfund, Telenor, TLL Guitars, Vattenfall, Vers, Weekday, White Guide, Wokyo Noodle Bar, ABLE Film among others...
Worked at
- Brand Essence
Founder & Creative Director
2016 – 2017 - Consultant
Art & Digital Director, Senior Designer, Web Developer
2015 – 2016 - Fjord (Consultant)
Senior Visual Designer
2015 – 2015 - R/GA (Consultant)
Senior Visual Designer
2015 – 2015 - Wolfgang Design Agency
Digital Director, Senior Designer
2012 – 2015 - Consultant
Art & Digital Director, Designer, Web Developer
2007 – 2012 - Vargen Reklam (Consultant)
Graphic Designer
2008 – 2008 - Lakeville Creative (Consultant)
Graphic Designer, Web Developer
2007 – 2007 - Blackboard
Digital Art Director, Graphic Designer
2005 – 2007 - Rodem Reklam (Consultant)
Graphic Designer
2004 – 2004